Celebrating Pride with Prism Boutique

Happy Pride Month! We’re celebrating by highlighting some of our favorite LGBTQIA+ creators and getting their insights on the causes they care about, the organizations they support, and how they’ll be celebrating.

Melissa Nava aka @daintymelly
How has your identity shaped who you are?
Realizing my identity in this way was definitely life-changing for me, but coming into it just felt like coming home to myself. Aside from realizing I’m queer, there are so many things about myself and my identity that continue to shape me every single day, some that surprise me as I continue to grow. I believe that coming more into my authentic self by making this part of myself known to other people has only made me more confident and feel more equipped to dive deeper into who I am and what identifying myself means to me. The more I try to define my identity, the more I realize how fluid, and how often my identity changes. There will always be parts of myself that will be intrinsic to who I am, but instead of defining myself, I continue to find myself feeling more and more detached from any specific idea about who I am. In short, diving into my identity, or out of my identity, has made me feel more free. I’ve enjoyed diving into self-discovery from my authenticity.
What LGBTQIA+ issues are most important to you?
I believe the challenges that our Trans siblings face are most important, especially among people of color. The disproportionate rates of suicide risk among Black Trans youth and the disproportionate rates of violence against Black Trans folk are devastating and need to be put at the forefront. We would not be where we are today if it weren’t for trans people of color, and nobody is free until we all are.

How will you be celebrating Pride?
I think Pride goes beyond the month of June, but I do feel immense gratitude during this time to reflect on what progress has been made. I think the best way to celebrate is to get together in community and continue to grow my connections. I want to continue educating myself and apply myself to causes that inspire me.
Pride can be a difficult month for me just because I know there is a long way to go, but I do my best to remember how far we’ve come as a society and all of the rights I now have that others didn’t many years ago. Prioritizing my joy and melting deeper into the love in my partnership is always the best way to celebrate.
What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support?
Trans Defense Fund Los Angeles! This mutual aid group provides trans individuals in Los Angeles with safety kits and tools. They were created in response to the violence trans women of color face on a daily basis. Trans women of color are the reason we began pride and LGBTQIA+ activism and should be the center of our movement. Without the liberation of our trans siblings, there is no equality.

Zoey aka @m0ldypeach
When did you first know you were queer?
Hmm I guess in high school! I was very lucky to have supportive people around me back then but as I got older it definitely became more comfy to identify as queer. :~)
What LGBTQIA+ issues are most important to you?
Equality and destigmatization. It’s surreal to me that they are still huge issues in this country.

How will you be celebrating Pride?
The pride parade in Chicago is always super fun!
What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support
For the Gworls raises money to assist with black trans peoples’ rent & affirmative surgeries. Definitely give to them if you are able this month! A great way to pay reparations and support queer and trans people this pride season.

Mod Becher aka @modermelon
What advice would you give to someone struggling with their identity?
There's no pace, but your own. This journey is yours, and there's no reason to rush it and no reason to drag it on. Being patient with yourself and navigating slowly, with love and acceptance, will result in the right place and right time, no matter what that moment looks like.
What LGBTQIA+ issues are most important to you?
The first issue that comes to mind is not only our bodily autonomy but our autonomy as a whole. It's a problem that definitely stretches further than just the LGBTQIA+ community and though it sounds silly, we should all be an ally in supporting each other's rights to ourselves.

How will you be celebrating Pride?
I'll be celebrating Pride by attending some incredible original theater performances during this year's Hollywood Fringe Festival and making it out to every queer brunch, hike, and happy hour possible!
What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support
The GALAP (Gender Affirming Letter Access Project) is an organization that helped me through one of the biggest moments of my gender journey so far. They are a group of professional mental health providers, some identifying within the community themselves, that are committed to making information about gender-affirming health care accessible to everyone. Voluntarily pledging to provide one free session discussing the care you may need and how to receive that care confidently and safely.

Monica Rivera aka @monicathefaerie
How do you define your identity?
I identify as bisexual
What LGBTQIA+ issues are most important to you?
The most important and pressing issue to me is the current legislation trans folks are facing across the country. Although I am cis, I stand by trans people and believe that trans rights are human rights.
How will you be celebrating Pride?
This June I plan to go to the Portland pride parade, give mutual aid wherever possible, hang out with my queer friends in the sunshine, wear my silly little queer outfits, and just experience queer joy in all its forms, big and small!
What’s one charity or organization others should know about and support?
The Trans Youth Equality Foundation!
Please take some time to check out all the mentioned organizations and give if you can. We hope everyone in our community and beyond has a happy and safe Pride Month!