Resetting Your Energy for Fall With @brookalbrigo

Resetting Your Energy for Fall With @brookalbrigo

Meet Brook Albrigo, an intuitive Energy Healer, Earth Magic Practitioner, Sound Artist and Ceremony Facilitator and Teacher. She’s here to help us shift our energy as we head into the holiday months with some tips on how to reflect, rest, and take time for grounding. 

As the seasons shift into the fall and winter, you may notice how you feel and experience events shift. This is due to the collective energy reacting to the cyclic energies of the planet and the astrological influences. This for the most part is out of our control but there are ways to work with it so you feel more in sync and supported. I like to think of it as energetic weather patterns that we can prepare for the same way we can watch the weather news forecast and dress accordingly. Here is some information and tips about the cycles we are moving through this fall and the winter holiday season. 


We are coming out of what we call a “retrograde summer” where we had seven planets at one time retrograding and they are slowly, one by one, going direct this month and heading into December. When a planet is retrograding, it gives the illusion of moving backward when it’s really just moving slower. This causes the energy to feel slower in certain areas of our life. It can be frustrating as many feel there is a lack of progress or movement, we can grow impatient, but it is helping you slow down to reflect and reassess, to make necessary changes. As the planets start to go direct and resume their forward momentum between now and the end of the year, my tip is to allow yourself a period of integration. Give yourself space and grace. Revise what you want based on the changes that happened for you over the summer. What have you had to pause and review the last few months? Give yourself time to gather your thoughts and feelings as you process this new information. You do not have to make any big moves at this time. My favorite way to process and integrate is to journal what I am going through or talk about it with like-minded friends. Don’t bottle up how you feel! Find a way to express it.


Be like nature! This time of year is traditionally a time of harvest. We also start to see the leaves change and fall away, animals getting ready to hunker down and hibernate. What is ready to fall away for you right now? What is releasing? Allow yourself to slow down and let go of what has run its course and harvest what makes you feel nurtured and nourished.  Self-care is very important this time of year- there is a reason this is the season when people are most likely to get sick. Listen to your body, rest, and don’t push yourself too hard with all the social obligations that come with the holidays. Remember the holidays are a time to gather with your loved ones but if you’re overdoing it and feeling burnt out, you may need to pull back a bit. If it doesn’t nurture and nourish it's ok to say no!


You might have heard the saying “the veil is thin” around this time of year. That means we all feel much more open and sensitive to everything around us. This can show up in many ways! Vivid dreams, picking up on other people’s energies and emotions, feeling more overwhelmed by certain places or experiences, having a stronger intuition, or sensing things around you that might not make sense. This is all normal for this time of year. The best way to handle it is to ground and clear yourself regularly. Grounding is anything that gets us present and into our physical bodies. My favorite ways to ground are to get near trees or into nature, eat hardy rooted foods (think things you pull out of the ground—carrots, potatoes, beets, etc), stretch/physical exercise, and massage or even wear earthy toned clothing. To clear yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed, I like to take an Epsom salt bath—this neutralizes the energies and also grounds you. Just two cups of Epsom salt in a hot bath with a few drops of lavender or rose go a long way. 

If you want to learn more about Brook’s work, check out her website where you can book a remote intuitive energy work session, attend her twice-a-month virtual group moon ceremonies, or various in-person events in Orange County and L.A. You can also check out her self-published zine for magical beings made for those who want to connect to their own magic and creativity.


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